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Unsatisfied GrabThatFile User 7 lat temu Ostatnio zmodyfikowane przez GrabThatFile 7 lat temu 1

My account says that I have successfully downloaded my 4 songs but they aren't actually downloaded.

A few months back when I downloaded a couple of songs they were incomplete also.

When I first used this site a few years ago it worked as intended without any problems....why has this stopped???


W trakcie analizy


Thanks for your kind words, we appreciate user feedback and when presented in such a friendly manner, we're honored to drop everything and get working on a potential bug you've found.

For starters, what MySpace URL are your trying to grab from and does the music actually play on that site? MySpace has most likely given up, for tons of their stuff simply just doesn't play anymore. And whatever they don't offer, we can't magically offer.

So, please let us know what URL you're trying to grab from and we'll be more than happy to "fix our system" if it turns out there's actually something for us to fix.