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can't login!

janfk 7 lat temu Ostatnio zmodyfikowane przez Alexandra Tiffany Tilbrook 6 lat temu 2
W trakcie analizy


Could you provide us with a little more information? Which method on http://www.grabthatfile.com/login/ doesn't work for you (Facebook/Twitter)? Any error messages?


@GrabThatFile, I'm not the OP, but Twitter login is NOT working (I don't have a Facebook account, but the FB login page does appear when I click the "Login with Facebook" icon.) The URL for your Twitter auth page is http://www.grabthatfile.com/auth/twitter but  luckily running this on Chrome using the Developer console... I found this warning.

TWITTER WIDGET: The Twitter API v1.0 is deprecated, and this widget has ceased functioning.

And on the second line of the warning...

TWITTER WIDGET: You can replace it with a new, upgraded widget from <https://twitter.com/settings/widgets/new/user?screen_name="GrabThatFile">

Which means, @GrabThatFile, Twitter deprecated the version 1.0 Twitter OAuth login API a LONG time ago! June 11, 2013! Y'all should have updated to the latest version 5 years ago! https://blog.twitter.com/developer/en_us/a/2013/api-v1-retirement-final-dates.html

Sorry that I might sound a little harsh, but Twitter has been taking a lot of steps lately, well, if you've been following the news, to prevent this whatever it is between Russia, the POTUS, Google/Facebook/Twitter/whatever, but this isn't a politics forum, it's a tech support one, and I will refrain from derailing it into a political sideshow. 

But bottom line is, since Twitter had to be on the up and up regarding this, and sorry, @janfk if you were trying to login with Twitter or Facebook, Twitter login doesn't work for me, Facebook does, but I don't have an account to the latter, but one to the former. You should also remember, @janfk, on many Linux (I did this test on Ubuntu 18.04) bug trackers and forums, you will be asked for WHAT you were doing that made it not work. It has to be repeatable. Operating system (Windows, Mac, Android, iPhone, Linux, and if Linux, which distribution [Debian, Ubuntu, Fedora, etc.], CPU, RAM. Network connection. If this was the Linux Mint forums, I wouldn't be surprised if a moderator asked you to do this:

Post the output of
inxi -Fxz
and we'll start from there.

because a simple "can't login!" isn't enough, and probably isn't either for @GrabThatFile. Your post has no explanation why you cannot log in. It's just "can't login!" as the subject and entirety of your post, no explanation why.

I had to dig deep for @GrabThatFile if s/he realizes that people cannot log in with Twitter and posted my findings here. Hope they helped, and very 73, KI5JYD